He will need another stint in sometime before Christmas but they will get a chance to have some sun time in Florida before that. So thanks for the thoughts and prayers...they worked! Have a great week and for all those scrapbookers, check out Ali Edwards week in the life challange...I think that is my mission next week??? We'll see!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Doing Very Well...Thank You
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Pictures of Fairies!!!
The fabulous camera above is my NEW NEW NEW mini digital camera my sweet sweet hubby got me for and early b-day gift. It's faster than my old mini digital and very easy to use for techno-challanged people like me! Maybe now I will take some time and figure out how to post upright photos...well, we'll see about that! Enjoy the beautiful day!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Organizational Tips
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Be Grateful! (Darn it!)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Charlotte is Here!
Tonight is soup and sandwich night at the Dow's. It's Curriculum Night at school so we need to eat quickly and head over to Troy for some fun with the teachers. Em is doing much better in kindergarten. Her favorite part is "Homework!" Can you believe it? Monday's assignment was to write your phone number and practice it. Well, she knows it with the area code so that was an easy assignment! She's really cute when she gets off the short bus and tells me all the things she has done that day!
I did talk to the substitute coordinator last night and I will start subbing soon...if not next week then the following week. And she said she could probably keep me busy every Monday and Wednesday...yahoo! Well, it's time to start working on sandwich night...yummy!
Monday, September 15, 2008
OK...it's just a thought but I was wondering if you think people would pay me to organize their closets? I really love to organize and wouldn't mind helping others get organized. Do you think people would really pay me to do that? What about $30 a closet? (depending on the size of course!) Do you know anyone who needs my help and would be willing to pay me to help them get organized? Please post a comment or email me and let me know what you think!!! (abelld@comcast.net)
Friday, September 12, 2008
OK...I'll Admit It...I Have an Addiction to Organization...
On to issues bigger than my lack of computer savviness (is that a word?)....Let's talk about my obsession to live in a completely organized environment. Some thought that as my children gradually went back to school, I would find my self home, lonely, bored and wishing for a paying job. Well, the paycheck would be nice (hey, Mr. Dow, how about some cash for your woman for all she does around here??) but the truth is I have dreamed of this time for many years. Not to say I am wishing away my children's childhoods and yes, sometimes I feel right at home in the mess, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking on an organizing project in my home and feeling the sweet victory of completion! My great grandma Nelson had something when she said that she liked to iron because she could "see where I've been"... it must be in my blood! Really, that is the thrill of it! Besides making space in my home, I also love the thrill I get when I complete a project! This week I completed 2!!! Can you believe it? And above are photos of both.
#1 Was the hall coat closet. I started by making piles of everyone's coats and then the kids tried on each coat to see what could stay and what needed to be passed along. Uddy managed to get rid of a few he's been holding strong on...I was ready to do a little dance when he gave up one. He did however, keep the orange ski vest that hails from the 90's when we all tended to wear everything too big. If you see him in it this winter please feel free to make a comment to help him see the light on that one! Anyway, our intention had always been to do the Elfa system in that closet too but the $100 gift card we were going to use toward it this January was burning a hole in my Coach bag! I mean come on, when you get a thrill organizing like me, to walk into the Container Store and not walk out with AT LEAST $100 worth of bins and organizing supplies is CRAZY! So I got a sweater organizer from Target (under $10) and used it in the corner to hold the craft paper and supplies. Now the kids can take out (and put back) their craft supplies when needed. And I have more space on the top shelf for my camera bags. But please know that some day this closet will be blessed with an Elfa system too.
OK...on to today's project...#2...I cleaned out the storage area in the basement this morning, and it was done by the time the short bus pulled in front of my home! If it was an Olympic sport I would have been a contender for the Gold. I condensed holiday decor, I vacuumed (Dad would be so proud) and tossed and filled the mini van with items to help keep the Goodwill in business for a good long time. The photos tell it all, its just glorious to behold and I am beaming! Now, I just need to get Uddy to clear his stuff out and we are golden! We'll see, he likes to work on "Dow time".
So, to all those doubters who thought I'd be bored being a stay at home mom...look out! Because when I run out of spaces in my home...I am coming after yours!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
And Here it is...My New Best Friend!!!!
Here is my new best friend...it's the Electrolux Pronto 2 in 1 mini vacuum and I love it! I beg you to run to your nearest Sam's Club as soon as possible and purchase one! It is the best mini vacuum I've ever known and if you know me I am the cleaning queen. That being said, it has this amazing handle, all ergonomic and light and padded and the belly of the thing is a dust buster...so when you are vacuuming and need to really get the baseboard or corner, you just press the buttons and pull the dust buster out...but here comes the best part...when you put the dust buster back into the belly of the vacuum...IT GOES RIGHT BACK INTO VACUUMING MODE AND IS AUTOMATICALLY TURNED ON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! How cool is that??? I just love love love this vacuum and I even shared the love with my mamma....and she called me the other day to say she loves it too!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Get Right Back to Where We Started From
So, needless to say my title is from that great 70's song I used to sing while naked on the fireplace. I am not at all sure why all of my words are underlined but when I figure it out I will correct it. Anyway, Emily was watching a movie and eating her lunch after a long morning of kindergarten and this song was playing with the credits...do you remember it? I used to love that song...was it Captain and Tonile? Not sure, I wasn't into groups at that young age. Anyway, I wanted to post 3 new photos. The first is a photo of my children with my cousin Sara's kiddos...they came for a surprise visit in August before school started and we had so much fun. The kids love their cousins and Sara and I never have trouble finding things to talk about! We took the kids to the Brookfield Zoo the day they got here and it was fun....but hot! The next photo is the hand-made lazy suzanne I painted and decorated 2 weeks ago. What a fun project and fun to have on the kitchen table too! And finally, the last photo was of Emily at the American Girl Store on Labor Day. My niece Lauren got 4 free tickets for the very last public show and so we invited our neighbor and her daughter to go with us to eat lunch and see the show. The girls loved it all and it was a great ending to a super busy but fun weekend! I will post Em's first day of school photos soon...I havent' even looked at them yet! Uh! I am also going to post a photo of my new bestest friend....interested???? I bet I got you thinking and wondering!
The projects this week included a bunch of overdue dusting...like the big stuff. And today it's the hall coat closet. The happy news is Em's coats from last year still fit (thank you Grandma Pat)! So now it's just a matter of buying a winter coat for the boy. These kids need to stop growing so darn fast! All right, time for me to "get right back to where I started from" in the coat closet. Happy Tuesday!
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