We have had a super busy June but as of yesterday about 10:30 am I was officially done! Starting with Emily's graduation in May it has been a busy non-stop month! Besides the pool being finished up and all that it entails, we also have had 4 camps between the 2 kiddos including me being the Craft leader for VBS and having to plan for 100 campers. We did have some fun though including my cousin and her family coming to stay with us last weekend...the Doyles rock and we had non-stop fun the entire weekend! I'm just not sure who had more fun, the kids who played awesome all weekend, or the husbands who are new bffs! (or Sara and I watching all of this play out!) We scrapped on Friday night, and came home to two very tipsey boys. Saturday was a day of breaking in the pool (and the slide that was installed Saturday morning!) We ate, drank, swam and ended the evening playing cards. Our kids went to bed willingly each night practically falling asleep when their heads hit the pillows...they were troopers! Sunday was pancakes (thank you chef Chris), Ikea and a graduation party at the Mulvey's house. Thus, this takes you to the last photo...my niece....Dr. Megan Mulvey! How cool is that? She is a doctor of audiology and the ceremony was cool. Megan had her whole family there to cheer her on and we all were treated to an awesome Italian dinner via my sister and brother-in-law at this awesome restaurant in Chicago. All in all June 2008 was packed full of fun but I am happy to sail into July only having to be a bum and hang out with the kiddos. I am dreaming of sleeping in, drinking coffee in my jammies in my scrapbook room while the kids watch cartoons and then spending the afternoon swimming with friends and family. Either way I will be sure to be blogging much more often this month. Happy summer to you all! (and if you can make it come by to see my clean garage, have a beer and a swim too!)
promise? I think my hubby is missing his bff ;)
Thanks for the Dr. Mulvey props on your blog. I am unemployed so if you want a scrapbooking/swimming/drinking buddy...I'm your girl!
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