Look at that...2 posts in one day! And do you know why? BECAUSE I AM SICK! I am being punished for saying I never get sick. Nice uh? Well, today I feel a little better, I hope I am on the mend and my husband and my p's have been very helpful with the kiddos so I can lay around, sleep and try to feel better. I do remember one of the best parts of being sick as a kid, watching way too much tv! And kids today have it so much better! On Demand, dvd's, videos and cable as well as the computer make being sick a chance to catch up on all those movies I've been dying to see but haven't had the time to see yet. So far I've taken in 27 Dresses (loved it), Atonement (awesome!), and The Last King of Scotland (ouch!). I've also watched some oldies but goodies including "Beautiful Girls" and "Because I Said So". Here is a pic of my little kindergarten cutie today when she got home from school. Right now she's with her grandparents having some lunch, doing a bit of shopping and hanging out (so mom can rest.) Thus, the double post today. Be sure to look at my sissy's pantry project below. And, this hanging out has made me start thinking of my Christmas card design and it's coming right along!!! Yippeeeee!!!
1 comment:
That Girl is a Good Boy! Favorite comment of PaPa Shosh. I call Mom and Dad's house and they are too busy to talk because they are playing Monopoly with Emily!! Then I had to hear what a perfect child she is...OH GOODNESS!! Grandma and Grandpa love hanging out with Princess Emily. Hopefully Emily will remember all of us when she receives Mom and Dad's entire estate!!!
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