Hello Spring...Hello happy children...Hello New Dog! Yep, we did it! We finally found a rescue dog @ the shelter. She is 2 and a girl (obviously) and black and white and so far so good. I don't ask for a lot from a dog...I just want her to do her business outside and not bite anyone...so far so good. Here she is tolerating Emily putting a tiera on her because Emily thinks girl dogs should want to dress up like real girls...poor dog! Anyway, enjoy spring (or the lack there of) and come by and visit my Lucy!
You are lovable - adorable and Aunt Kiki can't wait until you meet your big 108 pound cousin the loveable lug Geoege Bailey. The two of you will have a very Wonderful Life!!!
ARF ARF Lucky Lu!!!
Love, Aunt Kiki
She's adorable!! Kate can't wait to meet her!!
She is just so cute! You really make me want a dog :O)
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