They arrived on Saturday mid-morning right as my niece was sent to the hospital to be induced. Huh? Yep, my niece was due to have her first child on July 1st and ended up being induced on the 2nd. (More on that later!) The fellas were suppose to go golfing but it was toooooooooo hot and we stayed home and hung out by the pool. FUN! The kids were so happy to have their cousins here and the 4 of them virtually only surface for food or drink.
Meanwhile, my sister was at the hospital with my niece and her husband keeping us posted with frequent updates.
Saturday morning (early) I got the call to pick up my mother and head to the hospital. It was a treat to have my cousin there with us. We sipped coffee and waited. At 10:22 am my brand new niece made her way into the world and let me tell you...she's gorgeous! Mother and Grandma and Daddy are all doing well.
By 1:30 on Sunday we had experienced the miracle of new life and were in our suits zipping around Lake Essex watching our kids knee board. (whew!) It was a beautiful day to spend in a boat and the kids had a blast!
We finished the day in our pool, cooking out burgers and roasting extra large marshmallows over a very smokey fire (the best plans!)
These are our "Adult Juice Boxes" Found at the local Jewel for $1.99. YUM!
Which brings us to Independence Day! We woke early...ate homemade pancakes, baked and prepared and welcomed more family and neighbors around 2:00.
Here are the girls making our 4th of July cupcakes...gotta love little helpers! They made and decorated the cupcakes all by themselves! Way to go girls!
Lots of swimming, eating, drinking and fun was had by all. The kids had a blast! The fireworks were incredible. The weekend was a success...and I was TIRED! I can't believe the 4th has come and gone and summer is chugging away. It always goes too fast! I hope you enjoyed the holiday and I hope we all remember how lucky we are to live in this country.
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