I have 3 important things to share with you for this very important upcoming holiday. The first item of business is the Willams-Sonoma carving kit. My wonderful, and festive mother bought me this kit quite a few years ago and it is still going strong! It has all the important items needed to carve that perfect pumpkin! The second photo is my beautiful girl today after she carved her first pumpkin. I started each shape and she took her Pampered Chef kids knife and finished each shape. She was so proud of herself she was beaming! We had the best afternoon! The final photo is of the kids' teachers' halloween treats. The cat bucket was for Em's kindergarten teacher and the ghost was for Ben's 4th grade teacher. They included matching halloween kitchen towels, homemade blueberry pecan muffins and a battery operated candle. They turned out too cute so I had to share. I got all but the muffins in the dollar bin at Target. Love that spot!
This afternoon I made the perfect 1950's dinner which included a green veggie and dessert (Aunt Ethel's marble squares). I love those dinners, it makes me feel like such a great homemaker. I set the table with placemats and halloween napkins, baked rolls that I had to let rise for 3-5 hours and served homemade marble squares, warm with milk. It is the little things that make me happy.
I had an awesome birthday, and the day after I turned 38 I started substitute teaching...what a day that was...but that's a story for next time. Have a great night and I'll be back!
I love the smile on the Princess of Love!! She is too cute! Nothing better that Aunt Ethel's marble squares. She brought them every single time she babysat us - but unfortunately for you that was before your time. She was a great babysitter. If I cried when she walked me to Pershing for kindergarten, she cried too and took my hand, turned right around and walked right back home with me and didn't make me go. How cool was she? Of course Mom wasn't too pleased when she found out.
Kris--my mom just told me that story and I literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD!! I think she may want to do that with Griff...
Okay, and Amy--you really are, at heart, an UNDERACHIEVER...I mean really, bake, cook, and all that?!?! sigh! ;)
Can't wait to see you! xoxo
Emily looks adoreable in that picture! She did a great job on the pumpkin.
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