Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WE MADE BREAD! IT WORKED! (and other interesting things.)

It took me 5 tries but when I finally asked my 6 year old to help me (and got a better recipe from my sister) IT WORKED!  It did everything it was suppose to and it was amazing...it tasted great and I feel truly cool for knowing that Laura Ingalls Wilder had nothing on me! 

 We have been so busy...who knew that in the middle of a cold and long winter we could be so busy.  I am so tired lately from being cold all the time.  I've even started exercising everyday to try and "wake me up" a bit.  I am also hoping the daily sweat will help me shed my lovely new winter back fat!!!  Not really looking forward to getting into a swimsuit in a month with all my extra rolls.  We'll see.

One of the things that is keeping us busy is Emily's ice skating classes on Saturdays.  She LOVES to skate and is so happy to get ready and go.  Being the best big brother (and being reminded that she has been dragged along twice a week for 4 years to Oswego for Tae Kwon Do) Ben happily tags along, DS in hand to hang out in the ice rink while sissy plays Ice Princess.  It is surprisingly packed at the rink on Saturdays, lots of budding Olympians!  

Today I am off to put my lovely Cricut to good use.  I bought some vinyl and I am making words for Ben's bathroom wall.  I am hoping to cut out "May the force be with you" to put over his toilet...the humor is not lost on him!   When and if I am successful, I will post a photo...until then cross your fingers that it's not the "Bread Disaster" all over again...vinyl is much more expensive than flour and yeast!!!

ps the photo of the bread was taken by my helper...she's obviously got a better angle!

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